Results for "Turnkey Projects":

Email Claim

Email Claim

Email ClaimOptimization of the customer service email channel for a better qualitative and quantitative analysis of end-users claims and requirements.Location: Argentina. Client: DIRECTV. Industry: Telecom, Media & Entertainment. Service: Turnkey Projects....

Mobile Construction Retail App

Mobile Construction Retail App

Mobile Construction Retail AppCorrective-Evolutionary maintenance of native applications for iOS and Android.Location: Chile. Client: Sodimac. Industry: Retail. Service: Turnkey Projects. Expertise: Mobile Development. Tecnologies: Objective C, Native...

Mobile Commercial Management

Mobile Commercial Management

Mobile Commercial ManagementDevelopment of a hybrid application for commercial management that allows pharmaceutical sales representatives to record visits, orders, and transfers, thus keeping track of their business.Location: Argentina. Client: Roemmers. Industry:...

Works monitoring by citizens

Works monitoring by citizens

Works monitoring by citizensDevelopment of a mobile application that allows citizens to obtain information on public works carried out by the Government of Chile.Location: Chile. Client: Contraloría General de la República. Industry: Government. Servic|e: Turnkey...

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